w4h.core module

The Core module contains core functions of the package used in other modules or as primary functions in the package. This includes the main run() function that allows rapid data analysis, a function to retrieve sample data, and functions that are used throughout the package for logging and printing verbose outputs.

w4h.core.get_resources(resource_type='filepaths', scope='local', verbose=False)[source]

Function to get filepaths for resources included with package

resource_typestr, {‘filepaths’, ‘data’}

If filepaths, will return dictionary with filepaths to sample data. If data, returns dictionary with data objects.

scopestr, {‘local’, ‘statewide’}

If ‘local’, will read in sample data for a local (around county sized) project. If ‘state’, will read in sample data for a statewide project (Illinois)

verbosebool, optional

Whether to print results to terminal, by default False


Dictionary containing key, value pairs with filepaths to resources that may be of interest.

w4h.core.logger_function(logtocommence, parameters, func_name)[source]

Function to log other functions, to be called from within other functions


Whether to perform logging steps


Dictionary containing parameters and their values, from function


Name of function within which this is called

w4h.core.run(well_data, surf_elev_grid, bedrock_elev_grid, model_grid=None, metadata=None, keep_all_cols=True, layers=9, description_col='FORMATION', top_col='TOP', bottom_col='BOTTOM', depth_type='depth', study_area=None, xcol='LONGITUDE', ycol='LATITUDE', zcol='SURFACE_ELEV', well_id_col='API_NUMBER', lith_dict=None, lith_dict_start=None, lith_dict_wildcard=None, target_dict=None, target_name='', include_elevation_grids=True, include_elevation_coordinates=True, export_dir=None, verbose=False, log=False, **kw_params)[source]

w4h.run() is a function that runs the intended workflow of the wells4hydrogeology (w4h) package. This means that it runs several constituent functions. The workflow that this follows is provided in the package wiki. It accepts the parameters of the constituent functions. To see a list of these functions and parameters, use help(w4h.run).

The following functions used in w4h.run() are listed below, along with their parameters and default values for those parameters. See the documentation for the each of the individual functions for more information on a specific parameter:


well_data | default = ‘<no default>’

metadata | default = None

data_filename | default = ‘ISGS_DOWNHOLE_DATA.txt’

metadata_filename | default = ‘ISGS_HEADER.txt’

log_dir | default = None

verbose | default = False

log | default = False


data_filepath | default = ‘<output of previous function>’

metadata_filepath | default = ‘<output of previous function>’

data_cols | default = None

metadata_cols | default = None

xcol | default = ‘LONGITUDE’

ycol | default = ‘LATITUDE’

well_key | default = ‘API_NUMBER’

encoding | default = ‘latin-1’

verbose | default = False

log | default = False

read_csv_kwargs | default = {}


undefined_df | default = ‘<output of previous function>’

datatypes | default = None

verbose | default = False

log | default = False


data_df | default = ‘<output of previous function>’

header_df | default = ‘<output of previous function>’

data_cols | default = None

header_cols | default = None

auto_pick_cols | default = False

drop_duplicate_cols | default = True

log | default = False

verbose | default = False

kwargs | default = {}


df_no_geometry | default = ‘<output of previous function>’

xcol | default = ‘LONGITUDE’

ycol | default = ‘LATITUDE’

zcol | default = ‘ELEV_FT’

input_coords_crs | default = ‘EPSG:4269’

output_crs | default = ‘EPSG:5070’

use_z | default = False

wkt_col | default = ‘WKT’

geometry_source | default = ‘coords’

verbose | default = False

log | default = False


study_area | default = None

study_area_crs | default = None

output_crs | default = ‘EPSG:5070’

buffer | default = None

return_original | default = False

log | default = False

verbose | default = False

read_file_kwargs | default = {}


study_area | default = ‘<output of previous function>’

gdf | default = ‘<output of previous function>’

log | default = False

verbose | default = False


grid_path | default = None

grid_type | default = ‘model’

no_data_val_grid | default = 0

use_service | default = False

study_area | default = None

grid_crs | default = None

output_crs | default = ‘EPSG:5070’

verbose | default = False

log | default = False

kwargs | default = {}


df_without_control | default = ‘<output of previous function>’

df_control | default = None

xcol | default = ‘LONGITUDE’

ycol | default = ‘LATITUDE’

zcol | default = ‘ELEV_FT’

controlpoints_crs | default = ‘EPSG:4269’

output_crs | default = ‘EPSG:5070’

description_col | default = ‘FORMATION’

interp_col | default = ‘INTERPRETATION’

target_col | default = ‘TARGET’

verbose | default = False

log | default = False

kwargs | default = {}


df_with_locations | default = ‘<output of previous function>’

xcol | default = ‘LONGITUDE’

ycol | default = ‘LATITUDE’

no_data_val_table | default = ‘’

verbose | default = False

log | default = False


df_with_topo | default = ‘<output of previous function>’

zcol | default = ‘SURFACE_ELEV’

no_data_val_table | default = ‘’

verbose | default = False

log | default = False


df_with_depth | default = ‘<output of previous function>’

top_col | default = ‘TOP’

bottom_col | default = ‘BOTTOM’

no_data_val_table | default = ‘’

verbose | default = False

log | default = False


df_with_depth | default = ‘<output of previous function>’

top_col | default = ‘TOP’

bottom_col | default = ‘BOTTOM’

depth_type | default = ‘depth’

verbose | default = False

log | default = False


df_with_descriptions | default = ‘<output of previous function>’

description_col | default = ‘FORMATION’

no_data_val_table | default = ‘’

verbose | default = False

log | default = False


spec_path | default = ‘C:UsersbalikianLocalDataCodesScriptsGithubwells4hydrogeologydocs/resources/’

spec_glob_pattern | default = ‘SearchTerms-Specific

start_path | default = None

start_glob_pattern | default = ‘SearchTerms-Start

wildcard_path | default = None

wildcard_glob_pattern | default = ‘*SearchTerms-Wildcard’

verbose | default = False

log | default = False


dict_file | default = None

id_col | default = ‘ID’

search_col | default = ‘DESCRIPTION’

definition_col | default = ‘LITHOLOGY’

class_flag_col | default = ‘CLASS_FLAG’

dictionary_type | default = None

class_flag | default = 6

rem_extra_cols | default = True

verbose | default = False

log | default = False


df | default = ‘<output of previous function>’

terms_df | default = ‘<output of previous function>’

description_col | default = ‘FORMATION’

terms_col | default = ‘DESCRIPTION’

parallel_processing | default = False

verbose | default = False

log | default = False


df | default = ‘<output of previous function>’

classification_col | default = ‘CLASS_FLAG’

verbose | default = False

log | default = False


df | default = ‘<output of previous function>’

terms_df | default = ‘<output of previous function>’

description_col | default = ‘FORMATION’

terms_col | default = ‘DESCRIPTION’

parallel_processing | default = False

verbose | default = False

log | default = False


df | default = ‘<output of previous function>’

terms_df | default = ‘<output of previous function>’

description_col | default = ‘FORMATION’

terms_col | default = ‘DESCRIPTION’

verbose | default = False

log | default = False


classifieddf | default = ‘<output of previous function>’

searchdf | default = ‘<output of previous function>’

parallel_processing | default = False


df | default = ‘<output of previous function>’

classification_col | default = ‘CLASS_FLAG’


lith_file | default = None

interp_col | default = ‘LITHOLOGY’

target_col | default = ‘CODE’

use_cols | default = None

verbose | default = False

log | default = False


well_data_df | default = ‘<output of previous function>’

targinterps_df | default = ‘<output of previous function>’

interp_col | default = ‘INTERPRETATION’

target_col | default = ‘TARGET’

target_class | default = ‘bool’


grids_unaligned | default = None

model_grid | default = None

no_data_val_grid | default = 0

verbose | default = False

log | default = False


surface_elev | default = None

bedrock_elev | default = None

layers | default = 9

plot | default = False

verbose | default = False

log | default = False


raster | default = None

points_df | default = None

well_id_col | default = ‘API_NUMBER’

xcol | default = ‘LONGITUDE’

ycol | default = ‘LATITUDE’

new_col | default = ‘SAMPLED’

verbose | default = False

log | default = False


df_with_depths | default = ‘<output of previous function>’

surface_elev_col | default = ‘SURFACE_ELEV’

layer_thick_col | default = ‘LAYER_THICK’

layers | default = 9

log | default = False


df | default = ‘<output of previous function>’

layers | default = 9

return_all | default = False

export_dir | default = None

outfile_prefix | default = None

depth_top_col | default = ‘TOP’

depth_bot_col | default = ‘BOTTOM’

log | default = False


points | default = ‘<no default>’

model_grid | default = ‘<no default>’

layers | default = None

interp_kind | default = ‘nearest’

surface_grid | default = None

bedrock_grid | default = None

layer_thick_grid | default = None

drift_thick_grid | default = None

return_type | default = ‘dataset’

export_dir | default = None

target_col | default = ‘TARG_THICK_PER’

layer_col | default = ‘LAYER’

xcol | default = None

ycol | default = None

xcoord | default = ‘x’

ycoord | default = ‘y’

log | default = False

verbose | default = False

kwargs | default = {}


grid_data | default = ‘<no default>’

out_path | default = ‘<no default>’

file_id | default = ‘’

filetype | default = ‘tif’

variable_sep | default = True

date_stamp | default = True

verbose | default = False

log | default = False”

w4h.core.verbose_print(func, local_variables, exclude_params=[])[source]