w4h.read module

The Read module contains funtions primarily for the input of data through the reading of data files, as well as support functions to carry out this task

w4h.read.add_control_points(df_without_control, df_control=None, xcol='LONGITUDE', ycol='LATITUDE', zcol='ELEV_FT', controlpoints_crs='EPSG:4269', output_crs='EPSG:5070', description_col='FORMATION', interp_col='INTERPRETATION', target_col='TARGET', verbose=False, log=False, **kwargs)[source]

Function to add control points, primarily to aid in interpolation. This may be useful when conditions are known but do not exist in input well database


Dataframe with current working data

df_controlstr, pathlib.Purepath, or pandas.DataFrame

Pandas dataframe with control points

well_keystr, optional

The column containing the “key” (unique identifier) for each well, by default ‘API_NUMBER’

xcolstr, optional

The column in df_control containing the x coordinates for each control point, by default ‘LONGITUDE’

ycolstr, optional

The column in df_control containing the y coordinates for each control point, by default ‘LATITUDE’

zcolstr, optional

The column in df_control containing the z coordinates for each control point, by default ‘ELEV_FT’

controlpoints_crsstr, optional

The column in df_control containing the crs of points, by default ‘EPSG:4269’

output_crsstr, optional

The output coordinate system, by default ‘EPSG:5070’

description_colstr, optional

The column in df_control with the description (if this is used), by default ‘FORMATION’

interp_colstr, optional

The column in df_control with the interpretation (if this is used), by default ‘INTERPRETATION’

target_colstr, optional

The column in df_control with the target code (if this is used), by default ‘TARGET’

verbosebool, optional

Whether to print information to terminal, by default False

logbool, optional

Whether to log information in log file, by default False


Keyword arguments of pandas.concat() or pandas.read_csv that will be passed to that function, except for objs, which are df and df_control


Pandas DataFrame with original data and control points formatted the same way and concatenated together

w4h.read.define_dtypes(undefined_df, datatypes=None, verbose=False, log=False)[source]

Function to define datatypes of a dataframe, especially with file-indicated dyptes


Pandas dataframe with columns whose datatypes need to be (re)defined

datatypesdict, str, pathlib.PurePath() object, or None, default = None

Dictionary containing datatypes, to be used in pandas.DataFrame.astype() function. If None, will read from file indicated by dtype_file (which must be defined, along with dtype_dir), by default None

logbool, default = False

Whether to log inputs and outputs to log file.


Pandas dataframe containing redefined columns

w4h.read.file_setup(well_data, metadata=None, data_filename='*ISGS_DOWNHOLE_DATA*.txt', metadata_filename='*ISGS_HEADER*.txt', log_dir=None, verbose=False, log=False)[source]

Function to setup files, assuming data, metadata, and elevation/location are in separate files (there should be one “key”/identifying column consistent across all files to join/merge them later)

This function may not be useful if files are organized differently than this structure. If that is the case, it is recommended to use the get_most_recent() function for each individual file if needed. It may also be of use to simply skip this function altogether and directly define each filepath in a manner that can be used by pandas.read_csv()

well_datastr or pathlib.Path object

Str or pathlib.Path to directory containing input files, by default str(repoDir)+’/resources’

metadatastr or pathlib.Path object, optional

Str or pathlib.Path to directory containing input metadata files, by default str(repoDir)+’/resources’

data_filenamestr, optional

Pattern used by pathlib.glob() to get the most recent data file, by default ‘ISGS_DOWNHOLE_DATA.txt’

metadata_filenamestr, optional

Pattern used by pathlib.glob() to get the most recent metadata file, by default ‘ISGS_HEADER.txt’

log_dirstr or pathlib.PurePath() or None, default=None

Directory to place log file in. This is not read directly, but is used indirectly by w4h.logger_function()

verbosebool, default = False

Whether to print name of files to terminal, by default True

logbool, default = True

Whether to log inputs and outputs to log file.


Tuple with paths to (well_data, metadata)


Gets the current date to help with finding the most recent file



dateSuffix : str to use for naming output files

w4h.read.get_most_recent(dir=WindowsPath('c:/Users/balikian/LocalData/CodesScripts/Github/wells4hydrogeology/w4h/resources'), glob_pattern='*', verbose=False)[source]

Function to find the most recent file with the indicated pattern, using pathlib.glob function.

dirstr or pathlib.Path object, optional

Directory in which to find the most recent file, by default str(repoDir)+’/resources’

glob_patternstr, optional

String used by the pathlib.glob() function/method for searching, by default ‘*’

pathlib.Path object

Pathlib Path object of the most recent file fitting the glob pattern indicated in the glob_pattern parameter.

w4h.read.get_search_terms(spec_path='C:\\Users\\balikian\\LocalData\\CodesScripts\\Github\\wells4hydrogeology\\docs/resources/', spec_glob_pattern='*SearchTerms-Specific*', start_path=None, start_glob_pattern='*SearchTerms-Start*', wildcard_path=None, wildcard_glob_pattern='*SearchTerms-Wildcard', verbose=False, log=False)[source]

Read in dictionary files for downhole data

spec_pathstr or pathlib.Path, optional

Directory where the file containing the specific search terms is located, by default str(repoDir)+’/resources/’

spec_glob_patternstr, optional

Search string used by pathlib.glob() to find the most recent file of interest, uses get_most_recent() function, by default ‘SearchTerms-Specific

start_pathstr or None, optional

Directory where the file containing the start search terms is located, by default None

start_glob_patternstr, optional

Search string used by pathlib.glob() to find the most recent file of interest, uses get_most_recent() function, by default ‘SearchTerms-Start

wildcard_pathstr or pathlib.Path, default = None

Directory where the file containing the wildcard search terms is located, by default None

wildcard_glob_patternstr, default = ‘*SearchTerms-Wildcard’

Search string used by pathlib.glob() to find the most recent file of interest, uses get_most_recent() function, by default ‘SearchTerms-Wildcard

logbool, default = True

Whether to log inputs and outputs to log file.

(specTermsPath, startTermsPath, wilcardTermsPath)tuple

Tuple containing the pandas dataframes with specific search terms, with start search terms, and with wildcard search terms

w4h.read.read_dict(file, keytype='np')[source]

Function to read a text file with a dictionary in it into a python dictionary

filestr or pathlib.Path object

Filepath to the file of interest containing the dictionary text

keytypestr, optional

String indicating the datatypes used in the text, currently only ‘np’ is implemented, by default ‘np’


Dictionary translated from text file.

w4h.read.read_dictionary_terms(dict_file=None, id_col='ID', search_col='DESCRIPTION', definition_col='LITHOLOGY', class_flag_col='CLASS_FLAG', dictionary_type=None, class_flag=6, rem_extra_cols=True, verbose=False, log=False)[source]

Function to read dictionary terms from file into pandas dataframe

dict_filestr or pathlib.Path object, or list of these

File or list of files to be read

search_colstr, default = ‘DESCRIPTION’

Name of column containing search terms (geologic formations)

definition_colstr, default = ‘LITHOLOGY’

Name of column containing interpretations of search terms (lithologies)

dictionary_typestr or None, {None, ‘exact’, ‘start’, ‘wildcard’,}
Indicator of which kind of dictionary terms to be read in: None, ‘exact’, ‘start’, or ‘wildcard’ by default None.
  • If None, uses name of file to try to determine. If it cannot, it will default to using the classification flag from class_flag

  • If ‘exact’, will be used to search for exact matches to geologic descriptions

  • If ‘start’, will be used as with the .startswith() string method to find inexact matches to geologic descriptions

  • If ‘wildcard’, will be used to find any matching substring for inexact geologic matches

class_flagint, default = 1

Classification flag to be used if dictionary_type is None and cannot be otherwise determined, by default 1

rem_extra_colsbool, default = True

Whether to remove the extra columns from the input file after it is read in as a pandas dataframe, by default True

logbool, default = False

Whether to log inputs and outputs to log file.


Pandas dataframe with formatting ready to be used in the classification steps of this package

w4h.read.read_lithologies(lith_file=None, interp_col='LITHOLOGY', target_col='CODE', use_cols=None, verbose=False, log=False)[source]

Function to read lithology file into pandas dataframe

lith_filestr or pathlib.Path object, default = None

Filename of lithology file. If None, default is contained within repository, by default None

interp_colstr, default = ‘LITHOLOGY’

Column to used to match interpretations

target_colstr, default = ‘CODE’

Column to be used as target code

use_colslist, default = None

Which columns to use when reading in dataframe. If None, defaults to [‘LITHOLOGY’, ‘CODE’].

logbool, default = True

Whether to log inputs and outputs to log file.


Pandas dataframe with lithology information

w4h.read.read_raw_csv(data_filepath, metadata_filepath, data_cols=None, metadata_cols=None, xcol='LONGITUDE', ycol='LATITUDE', well_key='API_NUMBER', encoding='latin-1', verbose=False, log=False, **read_csv_kwargs)[source]

Easy function to read raw .txt files output from (for example), an Access database


Filename of the file containing data, including the extension.


Filename of the file containing metadata, including the extension.

data_colslist, default = None

List with strings with names of columns from txt file to keep after reading. If None, [“API_NUMBER”,”TABLE_NAME”,”FORMATION”,”THICKNESS”,”TOP”,”BOTTOM”], by default None.

metadata_colslist, default = None

List with strings with names of columns from txt file to keep after reading. If None, [‘API_NUMBER’,”TOTAL_DEPTH”,”SECTION”,”TWP”,”TDIR”,”RNG”,”RDIR”,”MERIDIAN”,”QUARTERS”,”ELEVATION”,”ELEVREF”,”COUNTY_CODE”,”LATITUDE”,”LONGITUDE”,”ELEVSOURCE”], by default None

x_colstr, default = ‘LONGITUDE’

Name of column in metadata file indicating the x-location of the well, by default ‘LONGITUDE’

ycolstr, default = ‘LATITUDE’

Name of the column in metadata file indicating the y-location of the well, by default ‘LATITUDE’

well_keystr, default = ‘API_NUMBER’

Name of the column with the key/identifier that will be used to merge data later, by default ‘API_NUMBER’

encodingstr, default = ‘latin-1’

Encoding of the data in the input files, by default ‘latin-1’

verbosebool, default = False

Whether to print the number of rows in the input columns, by default False

logbool, default = False

Whether to log inputs and outputs to log file.


**kwargs that get passed to pd.read_csv()

(pandas.DataFrame, pandas.DataFrame/None)

Tuple/list with two pandas dataframes: (well_data, metadata) metadata is None if only well_data is used

w4h.read.read_xyz(xyzpath, datatypes=None, verbose=False, log=False)[source]

Function to read file containing xyz data (elevation/location)

xyzpathstr or pathlib.Path

Filepath of the xyz file, including extension

datatypesdict, default = None

Dictionary containing the datatypes for the columns int he xyz file. If None, {‘ID’:np.uint32,’API_NUMBER’:np.uint64,’LATITUDE’:np.float64,’LONGITUDE’:np.float64,’ELEV_FT’:np.float64}, by default None

verbosebool, default = False

Whether to print the number of xyz records to the terminal, by default False

logbool, default = False

Whether to log inputs and outputs to log file.


Pandas dataframe containing the elevation and location data